Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is Avon Makeup Non-comodegenic


Reviewing The Sunday Mercury of news I find where over 400 thousand fixed lines have been removed in 8 years in Chile . Each time, fewer households in the country use the landline. The classic device has been displaced by the cell. According to Government statistics, for every fixture it is in Chile, more than nine cells.

The peak of fixed telephones in households in the country was recorded in July 2002 when there were 2,558,207 lines. In return, in December last year, there were 2,150,761 such lines, reflecting a fall of almost 408 000 connections, according to the Department of Telecommunications.

are in the sidewalk opposite the cell, which in late 2010 was 19,852,242. Of these, 14,065,837 are for prepay and 5,786,405 are postpaid plans, ie the client receives a monthly report card of your company.

is precisely the explosive growth of the prepayment that is at the expense of traditional telephony, as many consumers, especially low-income, have chosen to take mobile phone plans and eliminate the landline at home .

a rebound was expected telephony fixed with the new rates became effective in 2009, which led to the average value per minute paid by users to call from a landline to a cell will drop to almost half.

However, communications from the fixed network to the mobile does not exceed 4% of the total business of the telecommunications sector.

Experts agree that despite the decline in the value of calls from a fixed phone, yet is just more convenient mobile to mobile, especially among units that correspond to the same company.

Therefore, it is not surprising that about 60% of fixed equipment is locked to communicate with a mobile. Against so, the telephony industry has had to adapt. The formula has been to replace traditional telephony (fixed charge over local measured service) by one based on a flat fee which allows unlimited communication.

Source: El Mercurio

Green Carpet Curtains

Final schedule of briefings in Aragon Platform

Following the facts to which we referred in the previous post, it was necessary to redo the schedule of briefings of the Platform in the province of Huesca. This is, for now, as follows (we have corrected the information published in previous posts to avoid confusing those who wish to attend):
  • Tuesday 5 April at 20 hours in Monsoon Civic Center "Manuel ana" (C / S. Matthew, 16)
  • Tuesday 12 April at 20 hours in Graus (location TBD)
  • Tuesday 19 April at 20 hours Hopper (location TBD)
In any case, despite what was said We are attempting to enter contact people who stank of Chapel conquer collaborate with the power to remove the information platform in this town that can verse as in the maps of trazado that REES has elected for your Electrical Highway, will be one of the most afectadas along this line 400,000 volts.

After the events to which we referred in the previous post, it was necessary to redo the schedule of informative talks of the Platform in the province of Huesca. This is, for now, as follows (we have corrected the information published in previous posts to avoid confusing those who wish to attend):
  • Tuesday 5 April at 20 hours Monzon: Civic Centre "Manuel AzaƱa (C / S. Matthew, 16).
  • Tuesday April 12 to 20 hours in Grades (site to be determined)
  • Tuesday April 19 to 20 hours in hopper (location to be determined)
However, despite that said, we are trying to contact people who might want to Chapel collaborate with the platform to bring information to this town that as seen in maps of the route that is chosen for the REES Highway Electrical their will be one of the most affected by this line of 400,000 volts.