Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bronte Or Stinger Emus

Call for a Demonstration Global organization: Zaragoza, Civic Center "El Norte" (next to Stone Bridge), Saturday, March 19, 11 hours

Section of the National 230 at the rally against the Electric Highway held at Arena on January 17 last year

Our fellow Ecologists in Action The Ribagorza have collected on your blog convening a meeting to be held in Zaragoza this Saturday March 19 at 11 hours (at the Civic Center "El Norte" , along the Bridge of Stone "), which is invited to participate in all social movements that wish to join The initiative, begun in these last days of the civil society of Aragon, to conduct a global manifestation with which to visible in the street the great social unrest caused by both economic crisis and for the several projects that threaten our environment and the rural world.
not yet determined the exact date to be convened this event, although there is already agreement in place in the month of May, in order to make clear the great distress to which we referred in the context of and close campaign.
For our part, as against Freeway Single Platform Power, do not hesitate to join the demonstration above to add both our forces to other civic movements calling for a more just and participatory society, as with intended to silence the voices interested dare to deny the existence of social rejection Electric Highway threatening the future of our peoples and our lands. Therefore, we encourage colleagues who may approach Zaragoza on Saturday to attend the meeting to which we referred to collaborate in organizing the demonstration.
We leave the bottom of this post with the words of our fellow Ecologists in Action, which explains the precise reasons for this initiative.

Els nostres companys d'Ecologist in the Ribargorça Acció have recollit in the call for applications seu blog d ' a meeting to be held in Zaragoza this Saturday March 19 at 11 am (in the Civic Center "El Norte" -next-Stone Bridge), which is invited to participate in all movements Social wishing to join the initiative, which emerged in these last days of the civil society of Aragon, to conduct a demonstration with global visibility to the street where the great social unrest caused by the economic crisis much like the many projects that threaten our environment and rural.
not yet determined the exact date when this event will be convened, although there because the agreement is concluded in the next May, aiming to clear the great distress that we referred to in the context of the already close election campaign.
For our part, as a platform against the United Electrical Highway, feel free to join us at the aforementioned event to end so our forces to join the rest of civic movements calling for a fairer society and participatory, and with the intention of silencing the voices concerned to do dare deny the existence of social rejection in the Highway Electrical threatening the future of our peoples and our lands. Therefore, we encourage colleagues to approach this Saturday to Saragossa to the fet that assisteixin met the qual ens col · referíem per l'Organització work in the manifestation.
Us deixem al peu d'Aquest post amb les paraules dels nostres companys d'Ecologist at Actium, to explain precisely Raons that have motivated them aquesta initiative.

"The crisis tightens, while multiply benefits multinationals, are mainstream political parties to call into question citizens than ever, North African citizens are stirred, gasoline breaks records ... Something moves and depends partly on us to stop or that lead to in new developments.
In recent years different groups of struggles and social changes we felt to a greater or lesser extent, the great difficulty in making ourselves heard, to make us appreciate, to force the changes that our society urgently. We have felt in some cases the misunderstanding and also other state repression through its various authorities and bodies. We spent a few years in which the machinery that make up the model political, economic and social development has left little room for breathing. Conflicts arising succeed and spread throughout the territory more or less social response.
After timely reflection under the current crisis and global change, understanding that we are at a critical moment where people are more receptive to ask questions than ever, when the political machine is about to ask for a vote, we want to make you a proposal of activism: a expression that has its main pillars of concrete conflicts collective victims of the current economic model, values \u200b\u200band rampant corruption.
We believe we are at a point where we must take the street, as pissed-off citizens, critics and conflict.
We gather all our struggles occur, they are the same, in a large rally where the placards criticizing the "whole" from the "concrete." Let them say we're done. Pancanta than north-south sweep the Aragonese territory that has been raging in flames. They scream against Castanesa against the Highway Electrical against Yesa, by the reopening of the highway in front Canfranc against Gran Scala, against Zuera macrocarcel, against GM, against the depredations of the cave of Chaves, by the crisis the rich pay, against Susie, a fair reversal Janov / Chanobas for Food Sovereignty, to San Gregorio and Bardenas against electromagnetic pollution for M ª Victoria Pinilla go to waterfalls, for the dignity of the languages \u200b\u200bof Aragon, against Lechago, by Pina unleaded by a Huerva alive, the pinewoods of Maestrazgo a Teruel services fit against mine Borobia for alternative information against Mularroya, for an alternative economy and solidarity against Biscarrués, etc.
not intend to name us all. The list is open and although obviously we have cited many, has not sought to name them all. (It would be impossible.)
The goal is a colorful demonstration of critical citizens and disgusted with the way they are doing things, against the lines that mark this predatory system, based on our local conflicts. That is a wrestling match to also realize that the struggles of others are ours. A call for solidarity and unison cry of angry people for many different reasons, but all related.
Approximate date for the event: May 2011
Objectives of the event:
  • Join different struggles in a day of twinning, rapprochement and mutual understanding for different conflicts.
  • Add a significant number of citizens who might be identified in some or all of the fights so you can show your outrage at the present time.
  • Give strength to our different groups, struggles and movements.
  • Delegitimize thymus model in which we are immersed.
  • Encourage a day of reflection in critical election period. Somehow spoil the "party of democratic vote" with people on the street going for free outside the major parties.
  • explore a new form of citizen protest, with a view future
For this and what can you give us, we invite you to a
PLACE: CIVIC CENTER NORTH (near the Stone Bridge). "


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