Following the facts to which we referred in the previous post, it was necessary to redo the schedule of briefings of the Platform in the province of Huesca. This is, for now, as follows (we have corrected the information published in previous posts to avoid confusing those who wish to attend):
- Tuesday 5 April at 20 hours in Monsoon Civic Center "Manuel ana" (C / S. Matthew, 16)
- Tuesday 12 April at 20 hours in Graus (location TBD)
- Tuesday 19 April at 20 hours Hopper (location TBD)
After the events to which we referred in the previous post, it was necessary to redo the schedule of informative talks of the Platform in the province of Huesca. This is, for now, as follows (we have corrected the information published in previous posts to avoid confusing those who wish to attend):
- Tuesday 5 April at 20 hours Monzon: Civic Centre "Manuel AzaƱa (C / S. Matthew, 16).
- Tuesday April 12 to 20 hours in Grades (site to be determined)
- Tuesday April 19 to 20 hours in hopper (location to be determined)
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