Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting Nipple Periced

EU Recommendation of 12 July 1999 concerning exposure the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)

our Platform A colleague has sent us the following document, taken from Official Journal of the European Communities , which contains Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 concerning the exposure general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) . As indicated in its header is a recommendation not intended to be prescriptive, which is quite sad if you consider the recent recommendation an important panel scientists about the urgent need to lower the standards on non-ionizing radiation levels acceptable to the people that govern the vast majority of countries and, in their view are too high, which could end up assuming a serious problem for global public health.
Regardless, it is obvious that the issue affects us very directly because, as already noted on a previous occasion , the route chosen for Spain's Red Electrica for Highway Electrical Peñalba draft-El Arnero (Monsoon) -Isona shows an enormous insensitivity to the problem of health conditions of pollution generate electromagnetic his line (not to forget that is 400,000 volts, that is, the maximum tension that currently installed in the European Union). Moreover, according to numerous scientific studies of undoubted solvency, we collected in the brochure that you are spreading these days among the affected population , the presence of population within 600 meters of the project could affect a very serious the health of its inhabitants.
Although we can not do a detailed assessment of how far the English State has taken into account the recommendations of the Council that we offer below (Click on the images to enlarge), we believe, in light of the data that we have barely been considered. In fact, the policy currently held by Red Electrica of Spain with the support of MARM shows a great insensitivity with respect to human health conditions of electromagnetic pollution, which clashes with the sensitivity that exists in Europe, which shows the text that we offer. It's sad that this type of recommendations are not taken into account, being referred to the health of people, as (we all know well) that take into account other recommendations from the EU.
Ultimately, I bring this information with a dual purpose:
  1. serve, as far as possible to strengthen even from an ethical perspective our arguments against electric highway project threatens us (collect the post link to this page created to collect all the information for the preparation of claims )
  2. that favors a public debate in our country on a matter of extreme gravity, on which the population does not seem to be correctly informed

A Company of nostra Platform has submitted the following document, taken from Official Journal of the European Communities , which is the Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 concerning the exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz) . As indicated in its header is a recommendation that is not prescriptive nature, which is quite sad if you consider the recent recommendation of a major panel of scientists about the urgent need to lower the standards on non-ionizing radiation levels acceptable to the people that rule in most countries and that, in their opinion are excessively high, which could end up assuming a serious problem for global public health .
Regardless of this, it is obvious that the issue affects us very directly then as noted on a previous occasion , the route chosen by Red Eléctrica de España for its project-Highway Electrical Peñalba The Arnera (Monzon)-Isona shows tremendous insensitivity to the problem of the health conditions of electromagnetic pollution generated by their company (which must not be forgotten that it is 400,000 volts, that is, the maximum tension that s' currently installed in the Union European). Moreover, according to numerous scientific studies of undoubted solvency we collect in the brochure that we are spreading these days among the affected population, the presence of population within 600 meters of the line could affect projected very seriously the health of its inhabitants.
Although we can not now make a detailed assessment of how far Spain has taken into account the recommendations of the Council is listed below (click on images to enlarge), we believe, taking into account data with which stories have hardly been taken into consideration. In fact, the policy pursued by Red Eléctrica de España currently supported MARM demonstrates a tremendous insensitivity regarding the conditions for human health from electromagnetic pollution, which clashes with the sensitivity that exists in Europe, showing the text offer. It is also sad that such recommendations are not taken into account, being that relate to health, as (we all know well) that are considered another type of recommendations from the EU.
In short, we provide this information with a dual purpose:
  1. to serve, as far as possible to reinforce at least from our perspective ethics allegations against the highway project power that threatens us (collect link to this post on the page meant to gather all the information the preparation of pleadings )
  2. that favors a public debate in our country on a matter of extreme seriousness, on which people do not seem to be properly informed



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