urgent release of the Platform against the Highway Electrical Unitary before the appearance of graffiti on several buildings
Aware of the emergence of "a painted" on the walls of the Museum of Sciences, the District Council and the City Council of Tremp, want to state that these acts are contrary to our ways, that we consider entirely harmful, incivility and vandalism, and have nothing to do with the Single Platform against Electric Highway. More seem to be intended to promote a logical reaction against this citizen movement, trying to make a work for society. Therefore, we declare ourselves to others and contrary to such action.
In these difficult times it is near the proposed Reese attack our region, such actions appear to have been made as to discredit the hard, long and patient work of all those who in one way or another opposed the draft "The Electric Highway Peñalba Arnero (Monsoon)-Isona.
Assabentats de l'apparition of "join pintades" els murs in the Museum of Science, the Consell de l'Ajuntament i Tremp, want to stress that these acts are contrary to the way we act, that feel totally bad, Antisocial and vandalism, and have nothing to do with the Platform against the Electric Highway. Most seem to be intended to promote a logical reaction against this citizen movement that tries to work towards a society . Therefore, we declare alien and contrary to this course of action.
In these difficult times when the proposal is close REES of assaulting our region, such actions appear to have been made as to discredit the hard, long and patient work of all that d'una altra or form s'oposen the projecte d'Highway Elèctrica Peñalba "The Arnero (Montsó)-Isona.
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